About us
SCLLC is dedicated exclusively to the private placement market. SCLLC and its predecessor company was founded in 1991 as a Texas Limited Liability Company. SCLLC’s operating strategy has been consistent since its inception: to devote its resources to the structuring and arranging of of private institutional capital for its clients. Consistent with this strategy, SCLLC, unlike other investment banking organizations, does not engage in any formal marketing of its placement services directly to individual companies. Instead, SCLLCderives its referral of new transactions primarily through a network of former clients, strategic alliances, and joint ventures or partnerships with regional, national, and international financial and banking institutions, investment banks, financial advisors, investors, attorneys, and CPAs. Pursuant to strategic and co-agency agreements, SCLLCserves as the private placement execution arm for these strategic alliance partners. Along with his in-dept transactional experiences, these strategic alliances provide SCLLCwith access to a broad international client base while offering its partner institutions access to turnkey capital markets transaction management with experienced investment banking professionals.
SCLL Cassists clients in obtaining capital to finance a broad range of new capital requirements including growth funds, acquisitions, recapitalizations, leveraged buyouts and permanent working capital needs. In its capacity as a private placement agent, SCLLCstrives to achieve the most economically attractive and flexible financing structure and terms consistent with market conditions and management objectives. SCLLCwill provide the following:
SCLLC’s operating philosophy is to be actively and directly involved in and offer sustained, individually tailored counsel at each step of the financing process.

SCLLC Introduction:
Structured Capital LLC(“SCLLC”) is a private international investment banking firm dedicated exclusively to the private placement markets in the US, Mexico & LATAM. The Company has completed over 500 senior and/or subordinated debt and/or private equity uni-tranche financings, totaling more than $15 billion. SCLLC offers its clients experience, technology, resources, and expertise in accessing the private placement capital markets.
SCLLC has twenty-five (27) years of experience working with Carlos J. Altamirano A., one of the most prominent business families in Mexico& LATAM, arranging major infrastructure project financing with international funding sources for various energy, renewable energy, transportation, healthcare, hospitality, technology, and fiber optic cable communication network projects.